Peel grinding wheels
May 09, 2023
Vitrified Bonded CBN Wheels for Peel Grinding of Gear Shaft
Moresuperhard provides new solutions for rough grinding using a peel grinding technique evolved from previous work. Due to the unique wheel composition, a new high-strength metal bond and innovative diamond qualities the  Vitrified Bonded CBN grinding wheels offer convincing performance. The process is carried out with an extremely low grinding noise level, wear is significantly reduced, whilst having improved surface quality and an especially high stock removal.
Crankshaft diamond grinding wheels
May 05, 2023
Customers Case: Vitrified Bond CBN Wheels for Grinding Crankshaft
Vitrified Bond CBN wheels for grinding crankshaft

The Landis LT2He is designed to grind concentric and non-concentric components up to 3,000mm long, with the reliability and precision you would expect from a Landis machine.

This machine includes wear-free hydrostatic X-axis and Z-axis slideways for maximum stiffness, repeatability and vibration dampening.
Selecting Bonds
May 05, 2023
How to select binders when choosing diamond grinding wheels?
What is a compound bond?

Vitrified, resins, and metal binders all have certain characteristics, such as good self sharpening performance of ceramic binders, good impact resistance of resin binders, and high strength of metal binders. However, there are also corresponding defects, such as high brittleness of ceramic binders, poor wear resistance of resin binders, and poor self sharpening performance of metal binders. Therefore, compound binders learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, striving to achieve the best comprehensive performance, have increasingly become a research hotspot, and are gradually being applied in production.
Lithium battery mold
May 04, 2023
Grinding for Lithium Battery Cutting Molds
Lithium battery cutting molds are mainly used to cut aluminum foil and copper foil on the positive and negative electrodes. If there are rough edges, burrs, and
cimt 2023 Moresuperhard
Apr 21, 2023
CIMT2023 Exhibition Highlights Review - Moresuperhard products for Unitied Grinding
Moresuperhard attended CIMT2023 Beijing last week, and we gained a lot from this event for the digital intelligence era, the global industry and the deep integration of upstream and downstream industry chains! The six-day Beijing Machine Tool Show came to a successful end on April 15, 2023.
cimt 2023
Apr 03, 2023
Moresuperhard Sincerely Invite Customers to Witness the Grandness of the CIMT 2023
Moresuperhard will attend the CIMT 2023 and we Sincerely Invite Customers to Witness the Grandness of the CIMT 2023 Together. CIMT 2023 is sponsored by China Machine Tool Industry Association and co organized with China International Exhibition Center Group. It will be held in China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall) in Beijing from April 10 to 15, 2023.
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