 Ball Screw Grinding with Junker JUTWIST Machines
Mar 20, 2023
Electroplated CBN Grinding Wheels for Ball Screw Grinding with Junker JUTWIST Machines
Moresuperhard provides qualified Electroplated CBN Grinding Wheels for Ball Screw Grinding with Junker JUTWIST Machines.
metallographic cutting blades
Mar 20, 2023
What are the characteristics of a metallographic cutting blade and how to use it?
A metallographic cutting blade, also known as a metallographic cutting wheel, is mainly used in the process of sample cutting in the metallographic sample-making process.
diamond dressers
Mar 15, 2023
Vietnamese customers dresses conventional grinding wheels with Moresuperhard diamond dressers
Moresuperhard recently received a client from Vietnam who was consulting about diamond dressing. He is mainly engaged in CNC machinery trade. The customer is mainly used to dress the ordinary grinding wheel. During the communication with the customer, the customer has the following question: when using the diamond dressing pen to dress the conventional grinding wheel, is it better to speed up or slow down? Through Moresuperhard's communication with customers, we solved his problems. Now, we will share our discussion on this issue with you.
MLED Industry Research Tour of China
Mar 08, 2023
Moresuperhard Report of MLED Industry Research Tour of China
From February 27 to March 4, the 2023 2nd quarter MLED Industry Research Tour in China - Jiangsu/Anhui Station was successfully completed by Core Vision Display.
diamond film belts
Mar 07, 2023
The Difference between Electroplated Diamond Film Belt and Resin Diamond Film Belt
Recently,  one of our customers in Singapore wanted to order some electroplated diamond belt to polish tungsten carbide. We recommend resin diamond belt to this customer, because the polishing surface of resin diamond belt will be more shiny than that of electroplated diamond belt. 
qualified grinding solutions and products for ANCA Tool Grinders
Feb 28, 2023
Detailed Introduction of Six ANCA Tool Grinders Exhibited in CIMT
China International Machine Tool Exhibition (CIMT) was founded by the China Machine Tool Industry Association in 1989 and held every single year. It is the most prestigious international machine tool exhibition in China. It is one of the world's four major international machine tool exhibitions, which are as famous as EMO (European International Machine Tool Exhibition), IMTS (Chicago International Machine Tool Exhibition) and JIMTOF (Japan International Machine Tool Exhibition).
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