
Why 5W diamond content is half of 10W , but the price is almost the same?

Some time ago, a European customer asked Moao this question that many customers were puzzled by.
“ 5W diamond content is half of 10W,why the cost is only with the 10% less? “
“ We think it is illogical ”
In this regard, Mr. Ma, the account manager of MoreSuperHard, gave a professional explanation. Please let us see the wonderful dialogue between them.

Mr. Ismael: Mr. Ma, we have started a new season of purchasing. I have some questions about the previous batch of grinding wheels. Why the life of 5W wheel is only half of 10W wheel ?

Mr. Ma: I discussed with our engineer about your issue. He said if you are using these two types wheel for same workpiece with same grinding condition, 5W wheel life is certainly half than 10W wheel. Because 5W diamond content is half of 10W diamond, one is 5mm width and one is 10mm width. That's the reason.
However, we will adjust the formula for 5W wheel to reach better working life.
Would you like to add some 5W grinding wheels in this order? As I mentioned in the last email, Chinese New Year Holiday is coming soon. The Chinese New Year holiday is 22 days, our factory will close on February 1st till February 22. So, please ensure you have enough stock for next two months.

Mr. Ismael: Ok Owen. The explanation of your engineer is logical but your price for the wheels with 5W not. Because if the diamond is half in this wheel, why the cost is only with the 10% less????? We don’t like it. About our new order, at the moment only 5 please.

Mr. Ma: First of all, I would say, a grinding wheel is not that simple, we cannot evaluate its value based on diamond content only. We should also consider the difference of formula, bond agent, pressure control, temperature control, and rejection rate, etc...  Now, "Apple 11", "Apple12 " mobiles are using a very special PCD end milling for aluminum frame processing. And this tool needs 2mm, 3mm and 4mm wheel for very small cutting edge grinding. This year, our customer, one of Apple supplier, begin to use 1mm and 1.5mm wheel. We started research and development these wheels from July, and made it sucessfully in Octomber. We are the only one company who can make 1mm width grinding wheel in China, and even in the worldwide. The price of 1mm and 1.5mm wheels are even   higher than 10mm and 15mm wheel. Cause the manufacturing difficulty is much higher and rejection rate is extremely high for narrow width wheel.
Thus, could we calculate the cost according to the diamond content? Of course not. 
On the other hand, if we calculate the price based on 5W wheel, should we quote 10W wheel double higher, 15W wheel triple higher? Certainly not. 
What I want to explain is the technology, implicit cost, and market are also very important to the cost.
I believe you know how hard is for a tiny carbide/HSS tools gashing and fluting, how hard is for a tiny PCD tools edge grinding and finishing.
Finally, it is not logical to calculate the price according to diamond content only. 
Please choose a grinding wheel as wide as possible to finish a certain tool's grinding. It offers you better working life, stable grinding ability and even safety production.
And we will not quote you 20mm wheel in double price than 10mm. : )
Happy to share information with you.
If you have any other questions about the price, technology, talk to me at any time please.

Mr. Ismael: Ok Owen. Thank you for the explanation. I think is better to know more details to understand the situations. Please, send us the wheels as soon as possible.
Thank you so much.

diamond wheeldiamond wheel
diamond wheeldiamond wheel
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