Industry Solutions
Polycrystalline Diamond Compact
Jan 14, 2021
Polycrystalline Diamond Compact
Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) composite is a kind of composite material in which the thin layer of PCD is adhered to the cemented carbide substrate.
CBN grinding wheel
Jan 13, 2021
How to use CBN grinding wheel?
Most of the CBN grinding wheel substrate is made of metal, and when the CBN grinding wheel is grinding, most of the heat energy will be transmitted to the direction of the grinding wheel.
Copper has good ductility
Jan 12, 2021
Why is copper hard to grind ?
Copper has good ductility, it is easy to cause blockage of pores, and the grinding wheel loses heat dissipation capacity, which in turn causes burns or expansion and deformation of the workpiece
Why is grinding more accurate than turning or milling
Jan 11, 2021
Why is grinding more accurate than turning or milling?
The friction and extrusion of the tool on the machining surface and the surface stress between the workpiece and the tool are the factors that affect the precision of the workpiece in the machining process.
Vitrified Diamond Wheel in Thermal Spraying Industry
Jan 09, 2021
Application of Vitrified Diamond Wheel in Thermal Spraying Industry
New materials often have a domino effect on aerospace processing technology. Environmental issues have forced the material to change from traditional chrome plating to high-speed oxyfuel (HVOF) spraying
The influence of raw materials on grinding wheel life
Jan 08, 2021
The influence of raw materials on grinding wheel life
Diamond grinding wheel is generally composed of diamond abrasive layer, transition layer and matrix.
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