Industry Solutions
The Difference Between Ra and Rz
Sep 08, 2020
The Difference Between Ra and Rz
The methodology of measurement and what is measured when calculating Ra and Rz are quite different. This is critical to understand if you will not be paid for your parts because the Ra you measured is not in fact the Rz surface profile that customer specified.
CNC tool grinder diamond grinding wheel
Sep 04, 2020
CNC tool grinder diamond grinding wheel automatic dressing and compensation method
The development of automatic CNC grinding technology has raised high requirements for its supporting equipment. As one of the supporting technologies, the online automatic grinding wheel dressing technology must meet the needs of modern CNC grinding technology and make it develop towards the direction of high precision, super stability and full self-control.
HVOF grinding technology
Sep 03, 2020
Different from the past grinding -HVOF grinding technology
New materials often cause a domino effect on aerospace processing technology. Environmental problems have forced a change in materials from traditional chromium electroplating to HVOF spraying coating,
Magnesia grinding wheel
Sep 02, 2020
Magnesia grinding wheel
Calcined at 800 ~ 850℃, calcined with natural magnesite as raw material, magnesia is a kind of fine powdery gas rigid cementation material.
Grinding processing VS  rolling processing
Sep 01, 2020
Grinding processing VS Rolling processing
Grinding process and rolling process can improve the dimensional accuracy of parts and reduce the surface roughness.But there are the following differences.
The History and Types of Gear
Aug 31, 2020
The History and Types of Gear
A gear is a kind of machine element in which teeth are cut around cylindrical or cone shaped surfaces with equal spacing. It is widely used in mechanical transmission and the whole field of machinery.
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