Home » Application » Hydraulic Valve Lifters Grinding with Vitrified CBN Internal Grinding Wheels

Hydraulic Valve Lifters Grinding with Vitrified CBN Internal Grinding Wheels

Moresuperhard can offer high-quality diamond internal grinding wheels (PA, SG), CBN internal grinding wheel, and diamond internal grinding wheels for hydraulic tappets/hydraulic valve lifters grinding.

Details about Moresuperhard’s internal grinding wheels:

► Application: inner grinding of bearing, compressor, CVJ ball-cage, hydraulic tappets, universal joint, stator and rotor .
► Body type: ID Wheel with Shank, ID Wheel without Shank
► Model type: 1A8, 1A1W, 1A1, DWA

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What are internal grinding wheels used for?
Grinding of Con-rods ends in the Auto Industry.
Grinding of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinders.
CVJ ball-cage, inner and outer raceway.
Hydraulic tappet of automobile motor .
Grinding of Bores of Inner Rings .
Grinding of Gears Bores, Collects.
Pump stator of automobile,Grinding of Gun Barrels .
Roller, cylinder, flange cover of air-condition compressor.
Grinding of Inner and outer faces of Ball & Roller Bearings.

Body type : ID wheel with shank, ID wheel without shank

► Hydraulic Industry. 1A1W Vit CBN Internal Grinding Wheel
cbn internal grinding wheel hydraulic valve internal grinding

► Steel grinding. Vit CBN grinding wheel without shank
internal grinding cbn wheel steel internal grinding

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