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High Quality cubic boron nitride grinding wheel

CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) , next to diamond in hardness.
CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) is achieved when grinding hardened high alloyed, difficult to grind steels over 60 HRC tool or chrome steel.

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cBN (cubic boron nitride) does not have quite the same hardness characteristic as diamond, however, the disintegration temperature is greater than 1,500 °C and is produced by a combination of high pressure and high temperature.
Advantages of cBN (cubic boron nitride) grinding wheel
  • Easily cuts difficult-to-grind steel parts Rc 50 or harder
  • Highly wear resistant and thermally stable
  • Free cutting, superior form holding
  • Most efficient for dry tool resharpening
  • Most efficient for dry tool resharpening where heavy stock removal is desired



How to order diamond and cBN (cubic boron nitride) grinding wheel to meet your requirements in every respect, we need the following informations
      1. Shape and Dimension of the wheel
      2. Grit size (Mesh)
      3.  Concentration 4 Bond (Resinoid, Vitrified, Metallic,Electroplated)
      4.  Quantity
    1.  In addition to the above, please include the following details in order to ensure an accurate production:
      A.Working condition a. Machine name & HP (power motor of wheel’s broach) b. RPM of Diamond or CBN wheel c. RPM of workpiece d.
      Table speed (mm/min.) e. Depth/pass (mm) f. Infeed (mm/min.) g.

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