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Abrasive grinding wheels, mounted points

The internal cylindrical grinding process is primarily used to refine internal functional surfaces. The workpiece is fixed and the inner surface of the workpiece is machined with the rotating axle wheel.
These include cubic boron nitride (CBN), sintered aluminium oxide and various other aluminium oxides mounted points

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When internal grinding, the diameter of the internal grinding wheel is small, and the rotation speed of the grinding wheel is limited by the rotation speed of the internal grinding tools. Therefore, the grinding speed is usually within 20-30m/s. Due to the low grinding speed, the surface roughness of the workpiece is not easily reduced.

When internal grinding, the grinding wheel is in contact with the workpiece in an inscribed circle. The contact arc of the grinding wheel and the workpiece is larger than the cylindrical grinding. Therefore, the grinding heat and the grinding force are relatively large, and the abrasive grains are easily blunt and the workpiece easily heats or burn.

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